Information and Technology Literacy Benchmarks
• demonstrate the use of still and video cameras and scanners
• reinforce keyboard skills (minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times per week for 6 weeks during the first quarter)
• differentiate among the common types of computer software (e.g., drawing, programs, utilities, word processing, simulations)
• access information using common electronic reference sources (e.g., indexes, almanacs, on-line catalogs, encyclopedias)
• describe the purpose and use of a virus detection program
• explore special formatting features (e.g., borders, shading, centering, justification) of a word processing program
• identify a database template to enter and edit data and to locate records
• identify a spreadsheet and explain basic spreadsheet terms (e.g., column, row, cell)
• use a prepared spreadsheet template to enter and edit data and produce and interpret a simple graph or chart
• generate, send, retrieve, save and organize electronic messages
• create and present a short video or hypermedia program
• judge how well a particular production meets the identified criteria
• suggest ways to improve future productions or presentations
• formulate initial questions to define what additional information is needed
• determine a specific focus for the information search questions
• evaluate possible print and electronic resources based on currency, genre and relevance to the topic
• distinguish between fact and opinion
• choose resources appropriate to their interests, abilities and information need
• take notes or record information in their own words
• record the sources of information as notes are taken
• recognize the need to identify the author of any information copied verbatim
• arrange notes to help answer the information problem or question
• list basic bibliographic sources for information used
• apply the information gathered to solve the information problem or question
• develop a product or presentation to communicate the results of the research
• review the criteria to be used in judging both the product (presentation) and the process
• determine how well the product or presentation meets the original information need based on the criteria
• review the process based on the criteria
• identify materials that reflect diverse perspectives
• recognize that media can be constructed to convey specific messages, viewpoints, and values
• recognize that individual achievement is linked to the successful completion of workgroup projects
• recognize that using media and technology to defame another person or group constitutes unacceptable behavior
• identify the school rules on student use of the Internet and other resources
• describe how copyright protects the right of an author or producer to control the distribution, performance, display, or copying of original works
• recognize that the copying of commercial or licensed media is a violation of the copyright law
• identify violations of the copyright law as a crime for which there are serious consequences
• explain why the use of all or parts of another person’s work requires prior permission or citation
• list sources quoted verbatim and visuals used in a presentation
• identify examples of censorship
• describe situations or conditions where information is repressed or restricted