Information and Technology Literacy Benchmarks
• use basic content-specific tools (e.g., environmental probes, measurement sensors) to provide evidence/support in a class project)
• use simple graphing calculator functions to solve a problem
• capture, edit, and combine video segments using a multimedia computer with editing software or a video editing system
• classify collected data and construct a simple database by defining fields, entering and sorting data, and producing a report
• construct a simple spreadsheet, enter data, and interpret the information
• plot and use different types of charts and graphs (e.g., line, bar, stacked, scatter diagram, area, pie charts, pictogram) from a spreadsheet program
• incorporate database and spreadsheet information (e.g., charts, graphs, lists) on word-processed documents
• organize World Wide Web bookmarks by subject or topic
• differentiate between primary and secondary sources
• select resources in formats appropriate to content and information need and compatible with their own learning style
• cite the source of specific quotations or visuals using footnotes, endnotes or internal citation format
• develop an original product or presentation which addresses the information problem or question-
• identify the criteria to be used in judging both the product (the presentation) and the process
• determine how well research conclusions and product meet the original information need or question based on the identified criteria
• assess the process based on identified criteria
• summarize ways in which the process and product can be improved
• recognize that accurate and complete information is basic to sound decisions in both personal and academic pursuits
• recognize that reviews, evaluations and guidance from teachers, library media specialists, and others assist in the selection of appropriate literature and creative expressions of information
• identify and use personal criteria for choosing literature and other creative expressions of information
• relate literature and creative expressions of information to personal experiences
• relate literature and creative expressions of information to other literature or creative expressions of information
• establish personal goals in pursuit of individual interests, academic requirements and career paths